Scheduling Your Appointment

For New and Returning Patients

For New Patients

If you are a new patient, you will need to download, print, and complete the New Patient Download forms. Your download includes the New Patient Questionnaire and the required Patient Consent form. Please print and complete and bring the forms with you on your first visit.

When scheduling, please be sure to select Initial Consultation which will give the availability of a 90 minute appointment (follow up appointments are 60 minutes). Please note that not all times are available for initial appointments to assure that sufficient time is allotted for a more comprehensive assessment. Give a call at 847.791.9214 if you are having difficulty finding an appointment time.

For Returning Patients

Returning patients do not need to complete the new patient form and can proceed directly to scheduling.

Chinese medicine takes a holistic approach to health issues, and the detailed questions in our New Patient Questionnaire may not seem to relate to your current concerns. Rest assured, your answers are valuable in helping to contextualize your current issues. Please download the forms on this page, complete, and bring them with you for your first appointment.

If you have a question as to whether your condition is appropriate for treatment with acupuncture and herbs, call and discuss it with Frank (847) 791-9214 in advance. Appointments can also be scheduled by phone at (847) 791-9214 if you prefer.

Health and Safety Measures


Wellspring is following the lead of our local hospitals and is now mask optional. I will be continuing to wear a mask in treating patients. However, if you have cold-like symptoms and have tested negative for COVID, please wear a mask to your appointment. If you have tested positive, please stay home.

I ask that you agree:

  • If you have any COVID-19 symptoms (cough, fever, shortness of breath, chills, muscle aches, new loss of taste or smell, headache, sore throat, rash) stay home and call your doctor. If you test positive for COVID-19 within days AFTER your appointment, please notify your practitioner. (If you’d like to be treated with herbs for COVID-19, Telehealth and non-contact, curbside pick-up may be arranged.)

Schedule an Appointment