Chinese medicine is based on the principles of yang sheng – nourishing life. Yang sheng posits that active pursuit of self-knowledge and continuous reflection on life practices are the foundation for optimal health and wellness.

Your yang sheng principles are unique, reflecting genealogy, health history, habits and commitments. Your investment in understanding your own needs and crafting customized solutions promises better, more thorough and more successful outcomes. My motto: Shaping Well Being was crafted to reflect my commitment to planning for this success. Intention, authenticity and responsiveness are fundamental components in that equation.

Successful treatment requires an active dialogue, both with yourself and practitioner collaborators. While symptoms may bring you into treatment and Chinese medicine can address them, a deeper context can guide you to an awareness of how those symptoms have arisen and how they may be prevented in the future. An active dialogue can help unpack what may feel like an impenetrable puzzle and suggest avenues for resolution. I am committed to providing that level of engagement with patients. These explorations are considered essential and foundational in Chinese medicine. As an informed patient you apply knowledge and shape outcomes, feeding your life nourishment and awareness – critiquing and adapting solutions as a full participant. This is wellness medicine - feeling good in all domains of your health, having successful strategies at hand and aging gracefully.

I am available for in-person treatments on Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday.